
 How we shall collaborate with Jena in Germany?

  Aiming at new photonics for new world!      

Visited Erfult and Jena in Germany on Sept.25

Mission supported by Hamamatsu Technopolis

Organization for Hamamatsu Technopolis (site in Japanese only)

We have visited Erfult/Jena in Germany from Sept 25 to Oct.1 in 2011. The mission members are engineers from industries and cordinators from the Technopolis. To realize a collaboration between Hamamatsu inidustries and Jena industreis, this was the second mission to Jena supported by Hamamatsu Technopolis since 2010.

Following pictures show how the mission went at Jena.

Departure from Japan on Sept.25,2011.

Arrived at Frankfult Airport/ then moved to Erfult by a train

A mission member arrived at the Hotel safely alone! Why?

Sept.26 in the morning, we had a briefing for the day.

Arrived at "Technishe Universtat Ilmenau

Exhibition booths were set-up at the NewtonBau building

We have visited MEMS center at the universtat.

We also visited "Macro-Nano" center to find out current technologies in Nano scale.

And we had great time with the OPTONET people for a dinner

On Sept.27, this was the day for a show!

Professor from the Universtat gave a welcome speach for us.

We thank OPTONET for their arrnagements to proceed the collaboration among us.

Giving presentations from Japan side in the exhibition.

The Japanese companies also gave a talk to explain their products.

On 28th, we have visited several institutions and companies for future collaboration.

On 29th, we could have another exhibition at Jena, Abbe center to have discussion with Jena companies,

Several important discussion were carried out at the exibition.
Then we flew back to Japan with many good memories at Jena includion excellent beers.

Arrival briefing at Centrea, NAGOYA in Japan on Oct. 2, 2011.



 Person in Charge

    Dr.Yoshihiro Takiguchi (President of TAK System Initiative Corporation)

                     Facsimili:  +81-53-484-2011

 TAK Corp shall create new Photonics Technologies!
